So I'm in my religion class right now. I am not a fan of this class. You would think that I would be to worried about blogging in this class, but I'm not. Even though we are treated like high school students and have assigned seating it looks like I'm taking notes. Yes I'm one of those students who only takes notes on the laptop.
So this we are supposed to discuss the words of the current leaders of the church. We do discuss their talks, articles, etc. However we only discuss a very bias interpretation of those words. My professor doesn't allow room for intelligent conversation about the passages. It frustrates me so much. I have to participate to receive a good grade but all we seem to discuss is Mormon judiaistic laws. I would like to discuss more about Christ and how we can become more like him. A couple of classes ago she told us that in the invocation to the class we needed to pray to get marriage. While I have nothing wrong with praying for marriage. I do have issues of being told what to pray and to be told to publicly pray for personal matters.
I wish I felt comfortable to bring up my own interpretations of the passages we discuss. However when your professor is stuck on do's and don't of being a latter day saint, its hard believe that your comments will not be followed by scorning and judging.
Don't get me wrong I have a very strong testimony of the restored gospel. In fact it is my testimony that keeps me going on through my current condition. I just think that in the church to many people focus on the do's and do nots of Mormonism (I call them judaistic laws). I feel the the focus should be on becoming Christlike. I realize that these do's and do not's intent are to help a person become Christlike, but doing all the do's and refraining from the do not's does not make a person Christlike. I used to focus on them so much. Because I am not perfect, this focus would make me feel like I was a horrible person. So I started to focus on my intent. I realized although I make mistakes my intent is in line with Christs. That is what is important. Now that I focus on becoming more Christlike I am able to take the counsel of the leaders of the church and see how this counsel can help me be more Christlike. This plan works much better. My checklist of do's and don't before would just grow and grow. It was overwhelming. Now I create a checklist of things that help me an idividual with individual problems. So far I feel like I have become a much healthier person mentally and spiritually:)
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