Boys: Ender, Devin, Adonis, Marley, Emery, Clark, Poseiden
Girls: Amira, Kamila, Nadria, Athena, Hayley, Ira
I know that some of these names maybe out their, but I like uncommon names. I was talking to Misty and Colby about how I feel about names over the Christmas Break. I want my children to define their own name. Many people name their children after someone important to them. Even though I have nothing against it for other families. I've heard people talk about who they were named after their great grandpa or their favorite artist or whatever. Sometimes they talk about trying live up to that name. I just want their name to help represent their individuality. Also I hate middle names. There is not reason for them as far as I'm concerned. So their is a piece of my mind.
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