Friday, April 6, 2012

I've Been Bleeding Well From This Old Wound

Being gay in a community that pushes its young adults to find another to participate in a traditional marriage is a frustrating experience.  At BYU the most important goal attained is a degree, but a close second is finding a life partner.  Unfortunately, that life partner is required to be of the opposite gender.  Otherwise a same sex relationship could jeopardized the purpose of attending BYU.

For me it was hard being immersed in social world where I was to date girls, ew gross.  As a gay guy who loves women, in a platonic way, it was nice to get to know great girls, but frustrating to know that you are not attracted to them.  I had a few girlfriends and for the most part I never felt anything. There was only one girl that I thought could be my bridge into the straight world.  However, it didn't work out, probably because she new I was gay.  I thought I was in love with this girl, but I think I was trying so hard to be straight that I mistook my passion for being straight for passion for a girl.

Please spread this video, while I am not against suicide.  I prefer others not participate.  I have meet so many great people who are gay.  They contribute a lot to society while experiencing exclusion, loneliness, abandonment, hate, and more painful emotions.  It hurts to be an outsider of community that you love.

We are making ourselves known so that we can envoke love and compassion into others.  We want to prevent other's from taking their lives because they feel unloved.  We want to know that we have straight friends who support us, love us, and accept us.  We want to make our Alma Matter proud.  We are good, God fearing, Christ loving, gospel spreading, charitable people too.  Please help the agony of being gay at BYU diminish.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful and important message. I am proud of you and all those who were willing to put their names and faces out there to make a difference for those who feel alone.
