Monday, July 6, 2009

Wow! I Thought Tea Parties Were Meant to be an Event Full of Love, Happiness and Acceptance.

So today I was just browsing my friends facebook pages. I came across some pictures that an old friend had where she and her family attended the Denver Tea Party. This is the first time I heard of this. I must have missed this in the news because of finals week. I read the signs that the protester made. They seemed to be anti-Obama rhetoric. So I had to do more investigation. I read about it for a little while. I quickly realized that this was associated with the ultra conservatives. This may be too judgemental of me but it seemed like the dumb ass Sean Hanity would have loved to be there.
So I just wanted to share my feelings about some of the signs. First the one my friends were holding. "Don't Mortgage My Child's Future" My response well if Bush didn't ruin Clinton's hard work to get us out of debt maybe we wouldn't have to borrow so much money. The next sign I want to comment about is "Can I just send my Taxes to China?" A sarcastic wow is appropriate here. Another sign Keep your Change "I'll keep my freedom, Guns, and Money" Well if we kept up with Bush's plan China would own us. Obama will never take away our freedom, come on people he doesn't have that much power. Try learning about the way the government works. If you want to keep you freedom then you need to give up some of your money to the government to help it run and so that China won't own us. As far as the guns I do agree I think that guns should be regulated but not so hard to own. I support peoples right to own a gun, even if I have no desire to own one myself. So the next sign that needs to be commented on says "Don't tax me, Bro!" I don't know if you realized that but it takes money to have a good government and all the programs many people enjoy. We have one of the lowest taxes in the world, please educate your self. If you don't want to mortgage your child's future then you are going to have to pay more taxes.
So I don't know how much my friend has thought about these views she hold or her explanations. However if her arguments are like Sean Hanity's then she needs to study the truth and re asses her views. I realize many are afraid of Obama's plans and that is ok. That is what is so great about America, we are free to have and express our opinions. Obama won't change that. Lets be more rational and logical. Speak and think with your heart and don't forget your mind. They need to work together. So to end this blog we need another sarcastic Wow for all those Sean Hanitys out there in America.


  1. Ok, first of all, I'm no lover of Dubya. Let's just get that out there. But by saying all of the debt is his fault and not at all Clinton's is being just as bad as the Tea Party people. (And the original Tea Party was pretty chaotic and mob-like, and probably had lots of drunk guys. It's the times. :) At least these guys didn't destroy merchandise.) The fact of the matter is, we are in debt because of bad legislation and having more social programs than we can afford in addition to not having raised taxes in the last 8 years when we knew we couldn't afford them. Unfortunately, all of the money we have used to "bolster" our economy has come from China. So people are pretty pissed off that we owe a country who treats its people like less than dirt a whole lot of money. For a lot of people it's hard to be ok with working hard personally to not owe anybody money while everybody in our government seems to be getting us further into debt at every left turn. This debt was a long time coming. Reaganomics plus Clinton's original Democrat congress pushing through that housing bill plus greedy Americans plus a disabled Congress is what got us here. Too much delegating of money that we don't have into programs it would be inhumane to discontinue. California is a "mini" example of what the nation is going through as a whole.

    Fortunately people aren't divided into Republicans and Democrats and that our political party doesn't relegate our salvation or exaltation. It's just good to know that no matter what party is in office, things will go as they will go. And the opposite party will always be there convinced that the world is going to end before the next election.

  2. Your right about blaming Bush, I know it wasn't just him who caused the problems. Congress was also to blame. As far as the Clinton thing. Clinton set up our country with a suplus. When He left office we were paying off our debts. When Bush came into office Taxes were cut and the buget was raised to pay for things like the war. However it was Bush who pushed to lower taxes and the war. Those are the two things that really hurt our governments finances. War is expensive. During most wars taxes are raised to pay for it. I talked with my friend about the tax thing. I may have judged too quickly. The message they may have been trying to betray was not that they don't want to pay taxes but they want the goverment to be more efficient with the taxes they already recieved. I would agree with that. The government needs to be more accountable for its wasteful spending. I think making it more transparent is a good step in the right direction.

  3. wow love it...i agree with mark and those people are dumb...

  4. I went to a tea party with a sign that said "Unanimity without conformity." It's from a book by Milton Friedman called "Free to Choose." Life changing... you should check it out.
