Thursday, July 30, 2009


So today I thought a lot about the song "Disenchanted" by My Chemical Romance. I just wanted to understand it better because I love it. I know what thoughts and feelings it provokes in me, but I wanted to understand the thoughts and feelings of the author. So after analyzing the lyrics and musical tones. I really think that this song is an exchange between two people one the teacher and the other the student. I think the teacher is frustrated because his or her pupil is not getting the message. The teacher knows what will help the student, but is not being received.
The melody I think brings a sense of hopelessness. I think this comes from the student. I think the student knows the teacher is right but thinks its too late to change. Now the student is stuck in the same pattern of decisions and will have to live with consequences. The student has become disenchanted. He felt like before his life was a grand skeptical of fun and excitement, or dare I say enchantment. However he realizes a lot of his overly positive out look took him from reality and now he has to get back to happy medium.
The lyrics cry out desperation for change while the melody crys personal failure. I know that is how things are in life. We can be logically explained principles but we cannot live by them unless we feel those principles. Sometimes the only way to get the feel of these principles is by experience.
That is where disenchanted comes in. At times in our lives we have moments where we are hit by the reality of our poor choices. We are no longer in a state of personal acceptance. However we are in a state of "disenchantment." We are no longer living a dream, but a nightmare. Unfortunately I am in the season where enchantment left and I am with a glass half empty. Some how I have to find my fairytale plot line live with my half full glass.
I'm have a sleep right now so hopefully it makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this thought process, I further feel that Christmas as a child and as an adult exemplifies this phenomenom very well.
