Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We Don't Need No More Truouble

So tonight I watched a great movie. The movie is called Amazing Grace. It was an excellent film with a even better story to tell. I know some of you who have seen it are like "What?! Mark you just now saw it!" Well I agree with you it is my type of movie and I loved it. Today was a good day to watch it too. Earlier today at work I was teased by my co-workers, nothing out of the ordinary. I always get teased about my ideals and convictions. I'm sure that they think I am naive to stand by some of the things I say. Any way we stopped at Wal-mart for soap for washing windows. Many of you know I have personally boycott Wal-mart. I knew there was going to be teasing. As usual I try to control it. So I set them up so that I could control it. This method usually works, but today I ruined it. The problem is I sometimes take things to seriously, especially when I am tired. I was definitely tired today.
Any way I got frustrated because my friend/co-worker was saying that Wal-mart was no different than Smith's or Target or any other big corporation. To a degree he is right. However he doesn't seem to understand why I hate Wal-mart. Wal-mart doesn't only hurt small business in rural America, but the corporation lies, cheats, and takes advantage of the poor citizens in not only our country but others. I have read and heard too many stories of Wal-mart's horrible management.
I don't want this to be a rant about Wal-mart so I'll move on. What was upsetting to me is that his attitude was so pessimistic. Many, like the dumb ass Sean Hanity, would say that my friend was just being a realist. I think that there is a difference between a realist and pessimist. A realist sees the world as it really is. Our world is filled with corrupt people. The difference between a realist and a pessimist is that a pessimist sees that person/ or thing as unchangeable. A realist sees that person or thing as stubborn but definitely not changeable. Isn't that the whole point of agency is to change who you are to a better you? Realism is not accepting things the way they are but realizing that everything can change.
The movie Amazing Grace reaffirmed to me the true meaning of realism and strengthen my convictions to change what I can. To all those that think that Obama is just our campfire leader leading us in a song of Kumbaya remember that Love is the best motivator to become better. That is what Christ taught us. So many love and follow him because he loved us so much. Like Bob Marley says "One love, one heart lets get together and feel alright."

1 comment:

  1. Mark you gotta read, Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States!" Maybe you can get it from the library on CD and listen to it with your work colleagues instead of Sean, it will give them a new perspective!
