Sunday, October 25, 2009

Feeding My Self an Idealistic Future

So i was just reading my scriptures about Sariah... not my sister Lehi's wife, was really worried about her sons. I'm sure her frustrations drover to make the accusations she did toward her husband. She called him a visionary man. Lehi doesn't deny his visions to here but tells her that his visions are what are saving them. His exact quote was "I know that I am a visionary man."

Now I'm going to take this out of context a little but I think its OK. I thought I'm a visionary man too. I'm not saying that I have divine visions. I'm saying I have visions of my future. Today I'm not who I want to be or where I want to be, but I can see where I will be. I have my visions of my self that I need to work for.

I know, I know I'm just using vision for the word goal but I like it better. It seem less cliche and you all know how I don't like cliches. Any way its my visions that give me the motivation to continue and work hard. When I start to loose those visions my hope starts to dwindle.

So I feel like I really have learned something today about myself. The times when I am most motivated are when I am working to fulfil my vision. I need to be a visionary man.


  1. This is really great...I often have similar thoughts. When I was 16 I had a profound moment after listening to a talk...the short of it, the message was "Are you everything you want to be?" I thought to myself "no". I made some specific committments and goals. And there were many times I said to matter what I will get "there" wherever "there" may not be tomorrow or the next year, but I will acheive that "vision" of me. I still have these moments of reflection and I, guess resetting my course. Also, this post helped me with the YW activity this week thanks! Very Inspiring!
