Saturday, April 3, 2010

Adaptation is an Eternal Principle

So I was thinking today about our good friend Darwin and the theory of evolution. Thinking about evolution led me to think about adaptation. There has never been a time in my life where I didn't think that adaptation or evolution exists. To me its a proven theory. Thinking of adaptation lead me to ponder how it pertains to our species. I can see where humans have biologically changed through the course of history on earth, but not sure if I can pinpoint too many in recent years. I can pinpoint many adaptations to our social behaviors. Our social behaviors change rapidly and are becoming more and more global. Everything that we have innovated in the world has some kind of biological convenience. Including the things we later find out are bad for us in the long run... like alcohol, tobacco, fast food, promiscuity, etc.
After thinking about our social evolution I realize that the only way we are able to be so adaptable is because we are highly cognitive. We are highly cognitive because of our divine spiritual nature. Then it made me realize why we are the greatest creature on earth. We are the most adaptable animal on this earth. We can live almost everywhere in the earth's surface. If we can't sustain life there we can visit it. We have created so many choices of lifestyles that every person born can overcome almost every single challenge in life. I've recently learned I have take responsibility for my life no matter who is at fault for my deep depression. Once I take responsibility then I can adapt my lifestyle to trade my deep depression and change it to internal happiness.
Adaptation is the key to any challenge in our life whether its physical, emotional and yes spiritual. Adaptation is the principle that makes our weakness strong. We learn in what ways to change our behaviors to make up for a specific struggle. I think that is how God wants us to live our lives. He wants to realize our strengths and weakness so that we can change our behaviors.
Darwin observed this important principle in such a basic way. But like all the chemistry professors at BYU have stated "if you truly understand the principle there isn't a problem you can solve." I better understand the theory of evolution. Each of us must evolve into something better that is our purpose on this earth. The only way we can evolve into what we want to be is to adapt. Adaptation is the heart of the theory of evolution.


  1. Happy Easter! And regarding evolution, who are we to tell God how he made us or our animal neighbors? Just saying. You know what I mean. And yes, adaptation is key - especially considering our human nature and adapting it to consider things being out of our control. That we must adapt to humility in the place of pride. That we must adapt to accepting we cannot do everything by ourselves, without the help of a Godsent person or the Savior through the Holy Ghost, etc. :)

  2. i feel like Darwin was mislead in a lot of his theories, if you actually read his book you can see that many of the "facts" he claims to base his theories on have been proven false, or the predictions he has made have yet to come to pass. but, i agree with evolution. and i agree it is an eternal principle :)
